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Buttock Lift

Buttock Lift Treatment Specialist in Fairfax, VA

Today, the pursuit of beauty and an aesthetically pleasing appearance has become increasingly prevalent. As a result, cosmetic procedures have gained popularity, offering individuals the opportunity to enhance their physical features and boost their self-confidence. One such procedure that has gained significant attention is the buttock lift. Dr. Suh offers buttock lift treatment at Victoria Plastic Surgery Center. For more information, contact us today or book an appointment online. Visit us today at 8503 Arlington Blvd #130 Fairfax, VA.

Buttock Lift Near Me in Fairfax, VA
Buttock Lift Near Me in Fairfax, VA

Table of Contents:

What is a buttock lift?
How much does a buttock lift cost in the US?
What causes saggy buttocks?
How long does fat transfer last in the buttocks?

What is a buttock lift?

The buttock lift is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and enhance the appearance of the buttocks. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the buttock area, resulting in a firmer, more toned look. The procedure typically begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the surgery. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the surgeon makes incisions strategically placed to minimize scarring and allow for the removal of excess tissue. The incisions are usually made in the lower back, along the bikini line, or in the crease between the buttocks. The surgeon then carefully removes the excess skin and fat, reshaping the buttocks to achieve the desired contour. Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures, and the patient is provided with post-operative care instructions.

The benefits of a buttock lift extend beyond the physical transformation of the buttocks. Firstly, the procedure enhances the overall appearance and body contour of the individual. By removing excess skin and fat, the buttocks become firmer and more lifted, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing shape. This improvement in appearance can have a profound impact on an individual’s self-confidence and self-esteem. With a more attractive buttock contour, individuals may feel more comfortable in their bodies and experience a boost in their overall body image. Moreover, a buttock lift can restore a more youthful appearance to the buttocks, as sagging skin and excess fat are eliminated, leaving behind a more toned and rejuvenated look.

Before undergoing a buttock lift, individuals should carefully consider several factors. Firstly, a pre-operative evaluation and consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is essential. This consultation allows the surgeon to assess the individual’s candidacy for the procedure, discuss the desired outcomes, and address any concerns or questions. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with a buttock lift. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, and asymmetry. However, by choosing a skilled surgeon and following post-operative care instructions, the risk of complications can be minimized. Finally, individuals should be prepared for the recovery period following the surgery. This may involve temporary discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which can be managed with pain medication and proper care. Adhering to the surgeon’s instructions during the recovery period is crucial to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results.

How much does a buttock lift cost in the US?

The cost of buttock surgery is an important consideration for most patients planning cosmetic surgery to improve contour and achieve fuller, rounder, sexier buttocks. However, unlike other plastic surgeries, butt augmentation surgery is most dependent on the surgeon. It goes without saying that to achieve the best results, you need to find a top plastic surgeon with excellent credentials and extensive experience in cosmetic surgery. This is one of the clearest cases where price and quality don’t go hand in hand. It’s important to understand that your budget can affect profits. Therefore, it is highly recommended to weigh the lower price against other factors such as the doctor’s education and experience before making a final decision.

On average, most butt lifts cost between $2,000 and $12,000, with the average cost around $6,500. However, these depend on the surgeon, the complexity of the procedure, and the area. Let’s look at the numbers so you can get a better idea.

What causes saggy buttocks?

Sagging hips can have a variety of causes. Most of the bioregion is made up of the gluteus maximus, the strongest muscle in the human body. Firm buttocks are often associated with well-developed gluteal muscles. Recognized reasons for butt-sucking include:

Unhealthy eating habits and little physical activity – Many people may have poor eating habits that include high-calorie foods and high amounts of refined sugar. This is often associated with a sedentary lifestyle with little or no exercise. Training the glutes is one of the most effective ways to achieve firmer buttocks. Weak gluteal muscles often lead to excess fat in the buttocks, which causes the skin on the buttocks to stretch. Excess skin can make the butt look sagging.

Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity – Certain types of occupations may require prolonged sitting. This may exacerbate the sagging of the buttocks. The buttocks often sag because excess fat accumulates in and around the buttocks area.

Significant weight loss – Being overweight often results in severe stretching of the skin on the buttocks due to excess fat. Once significant weight loss occurs, the skin does not return to its original firmness. This is exacerbated by the aging process, leading to a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin. The result is the formation of excess skin that causes the buttocks to sag.

Natural Aging Process: As we age, the gluteal muscles decrease in size, causing the buttocks to lose firmness. Excess fat cells tend to cause the skin to sag, resulting in a saggy, sagging, saggy appearance of the buttocks.

How long does fat transfer last in the buttocks?

If you follow the right steps to maintain results, you can expect to retain a lot of fat around your butt for years to come. Some people maintain their BBL results even after 10 years. A Brazilian butt lift can be performed for decades without a second BBL. For more information, contact us today or book an appointment online. Visit us today at 8503 Arlington Blvd #130 Fairfax, VA. We serve clients from Fairfax VA, West Springfield VA, Vienna VA, Annandale VA, Burke VA, and surrounding areas. We Are Open 5 Days a Week!