Arm Lifts Services in Fairfax, VA
Arm lift surgery is a procedure that gives your arm a contoured appearance and improves the appearance of your skin. Dr. Suh at Victoria Plastic Surgery Center provides arm lift services in Fairfax, VA. For more information, contact us today or simply request an appointment online. Visit us today at 8503 Arlington Blvd #130 Fairfax, VA. We are open 5 days a week.
Table of Contents:
What is an Arm Lift?
Recovery for an Arm Lift
Am I a Candidate for an Arm Lift?
Officially known as brachioplasty, an arm lift is a surgical procedure that reduces or eliminates sagging skin by:
• Reduces excess sagging skin that droops downward
• Tightens the underlying supportive tissue that shapes the upper arm
• Reduces localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region
Fluctuations in weight, growing older and heredity are all factors in upper arm sagging. You cannot remedy this with exercise.
Dr. Suh’s team will apply medical dressings to your incisions. You may also need to wear an elastic bandage to minimize the swelling. If necessary, you may need a small, thin, subdermal tube to temporarily to drain any excess blood or fluid.
Dr. Suh will give you specific instructions for arm lift recovery including post-surgery care, medications, specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health, and when to schedule a follow-up. Don’t forget to ask Dr. Suh specific questions about what you can expect during recovery, such as:
• Where will I be taken immediately after surgery?
• When will you remove my stitches?
• Will there be drains? For how long?
• When can I bathe or shower?
• When can I resume my normal daily routine?
Is the underside of your upper arms sagging or do the appear loose and full due to excess skin and fat? Then an arm lift surgery may be right for you!
You are eligible if you are:
• An adult with significant upper arm skin laxity
• Relatively stable in your weight and not significantly overweight
• Do not have medical conditions that impair healing or increase risk of surgery
• A non-smoker
• Realistic with your specific goals for body contouring
For more information, please contact us or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 8503 Arlington Blvd #130 Fairfax, VA 22031. We serve clients from Fairfax VA, Arlington VA, Vienna VA, Annandale VA, Burke VA, and surrounding areas.
Additional Services You May Need
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▸ Fat Reduction Treatment
▸ Face and Skin Care
▸ Botox & Fillers
▸ Microneedling
▸ Acne & Scar
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